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Dr. Conrad has earned degrees in Educational Leadership, Communication Studies, Chemistry, and Religious Studies. He is an award-winning university educator who has taught thousands of traditional and non-traditional university students at various universities.
He is the co-founder and Executive Director of BE Reconciled, Inc., and the lead consultant of Davies & Associates, LLC, a consulting and training organization that activates, cultivates, and empowers people to reach their full potential.
He is a husband, father, university educator, author, commissioned minister, executive coach, podcaster, thought leader, brother, and friend.
He and his wife, Kandace, live and serve in the community of Lexington, KY, with their three world-changing children, CJ, Levi, and Sarah.

Kandace has earned degrees in Communication Studies and Political Science. Early in her career, she worked in the drug court system of Nashville, TN, and later transitioned to a homemaker when she had her first child. As a homemaker in Lexington, KY, she was an active board member of a local non-profit organization and held local and regional leadership roles in other non-profit organizations.
Kandace co-founded BE Reconciled, Inc., and embodies unity and reconciliation as a lifestyle.
She is a wife, mother, intrapreneur, home-schooling mom, prayer intercessor, community influencer, sister, and friend to many in Lexington, KY.
Kandace and Dr. Conrad live and serve in the community of Lexington, KY, with their three world-changing children, CJ, Levi, and Sarah.

Chelsea earned degrees in Psychology and French from Georgetown College. Her professional background includes working in the mental health field, both as a chemical dependency counseling associate and as a provider of therapeutic intervention and education for families of children with special needs. She has also been heavily involved in church ministry for many years, as well as serving on the board for a local non-profit organization and school. She grew up in Lexington, KY, and has allowed God to uniquely build her racially blended family through the beauty of adoption.
Chelsea is Be Reconciled, Inc.’s new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). She longs to see the people of God living and operating in love as one unified collective body.
She is a wife, mother, prophetic voice, worship leader, writer, influencer, sister, and friend.
She and her husband, Joel, live and serve in the community of Lexington, KY, with their four children, Jagger, Jianna, Cruz, and Cason.
The Offended restores the Offender.
We exist to educate and train followers of Jesus on how to love biblical unity, live out reconciliation, and lead the conversations amongst one another.
Love Biblical Unity
Live Out Reconciliation
Lead the Conversations